
Showing 1–12 of 15 results

  • Oasis® HH Combo OH-30 Guitar Humidifier with Hygrometer


    Our HH Combo for Guitars:
    • Offers single unit humidifier/hygrometer combination
    • Includes adjustable humidification settings
    • Allows for user re-calibration of hygrometer
    • Maintains humidity for 15 days or more before needing to be recharged
    • Has a drip resistant polyvinyl acetate sponge which holds 10x its weight in water

    OH-30 Instructions

    U.S. Patent No. 10,121,460

    The Oasis HH Combo is the only humidifier/hygrometer designed to fit in the soundhole of a steel string acoustic guitar. When using a humidifier to boost the humidity inside a musical instrument it is important to monitor humidity levels. Otherwise, maintaining correct humidity is just guesswork. The HH Combo has two parts. Above the strings, the upper portion of the unit contains a clearly visible and accurate hygrometer, which can be calibrated by the user if necessary. The humidifier clips securely into the bottom of the hygrometer. Suspended by the strings, the humidifier releases moisture evenly and slowly inside the guitar yet never touches the instrument body. A specialized, drip resistant, sponge holds 10 times its dry weight in water, which allows for a longer periods between refills. There are four openings on each side of the humidifier for the water vapor to escape. This is sufficient for most dry areas. In dryer climates like Arizona, there are 4 additional openings which can be punched out to provide more humidity. The sponge is easily recharged by moistening the sponge with distilled water. Using the HH Combo during dry months will protect your instrument safe from cracks and warping.

    $39.99 with FREE SHIPPING.

    Replacement sponges are $7.95 plus shipping.

  • Oasis® OH-1 Guitar Humidifier


    For complete confidence that your guitar is getting the humidification it needs in dry seasons without worrying about your humidfier leaking or hurting your instrument, check out the original blue Oasis® guitar humidifier. The OH-1 guitar humidifier is a soundhole humidifier designed to maintain 45-55% relative humidity inside the guitar body when the humidity outside the case is between 25-40%, provided that the guitar is already hydrated. The OH-1 is not designed to restore humidity to a dried out guitar. The OH-1 is our most popular model. Each Oasis® OH-1 comes with a stabilizer bar for mounting the humidifier and a 10 cc. syringe for distilled water filling control.
    [WPSM_AC id=5323]

    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

    Purchase an Oasis® OH-1 Guitar Humidifier Today.

  • Oasis ® OH-5 Plus+ Guitar Humidifier


    While the original Blue Oasis® provides sufficient humidity in many environments, it is not effective everywhere. The humidity demands of the desert, mountain states or frigid north exceed the humidification capacity of the OH-1. For this reason, we have developed the OH-5 Plus+ humidifier. The OH-5 Plus+ is the same size and shape as the original blue Oasis®, but is has a different liner which provides 50% more humidity output. Because the OH-5 Plus+ is the same size as the original Blue Oasis® and it has 50% greater humidity output, it will be necessary to refill the Oasis® OH-5 Plus+ more frequently than the original Blue Oasis®. Use the OH-5 when the environment outside the case has a relative humidity of 25% or less. Each OH-5 comes with a stabilizer bar for mounting the OH-5 humidifier and a 10 cc syringe for distilled water filling control.
    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.
    [WPSM_AC id=5323]

    Purchase an Oasis® Plus+ Guitar Humidifier today.

    $21.95Add to cart

  • Oasis ®OH-6 Case Humidifier


    The huge success of our original blue Oasis® “sound-hole” Guitar Humidifier brought numerous inquiries about how to provide humidification for other wooden instruments such as violins, violas, cellos, jazz guitars, and some woodwind instruments like clarinets and oboes. After careful consideration and research, we developed the OH-6 Case Humidifier. This style of Oasis® humidifier attaches to the inside of your instrument case. To accomplish this, two powerful neodymium magnets are inserted in the seam of the humidifier. The magnets attach to either a steel clip or a stainless steel strip with adhesive backing (both are provided with the humidifier). The steel clip fits over the side of your case, providing a flat vertical surface to which the magnets can adhere. The neodymium magnets are strong enough to keep the humidifier attached to the clip or strip, but still allow the user to remove the humidifier with ease.

    The OH-6 Case humidifier can be used to humidify the headstock of a guitar by attaching the clip over the backside of the case. The humidifier can also be used in stringed instrument cases such as violin, viola or cello by attaching the stainless steel strip to the inside of the instrument case with the double sided tape. The steel clip and strip give the user a wide variety of ways to attach the humidifier to the case. Like all of our humidifiers, we provide a 10 cc syringe for distilled water filling control.

    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

    Purchase an Oasis® Case Humidifier today.

    $24.95Add to cart

  • Oasis® OH-14 Case Plus+ Humidifier


    The OH-14 Case Plus+ Humidifier uses the same evaporative membrane as the OH-5 Plus+ Humidifier, providing 50% more daily humidity than either the OH-6 Case Humidifier or the OH-1 Guitar Humidifier. This humidifier is designed for use in drier climates (desert, mountain or frigid north) where the relative humidity is below 25%. The OH-14 Case Plus+ Humidifier, like the OH-6 Case Humidifier, attaches to the inside of your instrument case. To accomplish this, two powerful neodymium magnets are inserted in the seam of the humidifier. The magnets attach to either a steel clip or a stainless steel strip with adhesive backing (both are provided with the humidifier). The steel clip fits over the side of your case, providing a flat vertical surface to which the magnets can adhere. The neodymium magnets are strong enough to keep the humidifier attached to the clip or strip, but still allow the user to remove the humidifier with ease.

    The OH-14 Case Plus+ humidifier can be used to humidify the headstock of a guitar by attaching the clip over the backside of the case. The humidifier can also be used in stringed instrument cases such as violin, viola or cello by attaching the stainless steel strip to the inside of the instrument case with the double sided tape. The steel clip and strip give the user a wide variety of ways to attach the humidifier to the case. Like all of our humidifiers, we provide a 10 cc syringe for distilled water filling control.

    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

    Purchase an Oasis® Case Plus+ Humidifier Today.

    $24.95Add to cart

  • Oasis® OH-32 Ukulele X-Dry Humidifier


    Extreme Dry Weather Protection
    If you are located in an extremely dry climate (20-25% RH), the OH-18 Ukulele humidifier may not provide sufficient humidity. If that is your situation, the OH-32 will do the job. It is the same as our OH-5, but comes with the ukulele stabilizer bar rather than a guitar stabilizer bar.

    Also check out our Ukulele Strings

  • Oasis® OH-18 Ukulele Humidifier


    We met Fred Kamaka Jr. of Kamaka Ukulele at the 2007 NAMM show in Anaheim. The air at the show was very dry and he was concerned about his ukuleles developing cracks. At the time, we only had the OH-1 guitar humidifier to offer him, so that is what he used at the show to protect his ukuleles. Fred made it very clear that we needed to come up with a humidifier specifically designed for the ukulele. In response, we developed the OH-18 ukulele humidifier. It is the same size as the OH-1 humidifier, but has a special hanger which allows the humidifier to hang at an angle from the strings inside the ukulele soundhole. Because the ukulele is a smaller instrument, it needs less supplemental humidification than a guitar. The humidity reduction was accomplished by modifying the liner for the OH-18 ukulele humidifier. The OH-18 ukulele humidifier comes with the special ukulele stabilizer and a 10 cc syringe for increased distilled water filling control.

    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

    Purchase an Oasis® Ukulele Humidifier today.

    Also check out our Ukulele Strings

  • Oasis® OH-21 ¾ Size Double Bass Humidifier


    The OH-21 Double Bass Humidifier works with ¾ size or full size double acoustic basses. As with all of our humidifiers, you can count on the OH-21 Bass Humidifier to protect your instrument from cracking in dry winter weather by providing it with the humidification it needs without leaking or hurting your instrument. Its unique Oasis® design makes it easy to see when to refill.

    Our OH-21 Double Bass Humidifier is the same size as our other humidifiers, but generates substantially more daily humidity to provide extra moisture this very large instrument requires. We do this by modifying the liner used with the OH-21 Bass Humidifier. This liner provides three times (6 cc) the amount of the daily humidity that is provided by our OH-5 or OH-14 (2 cc) humidifiers. Due to the high humidity output of this humidifier, the unit should be refilled every two to three days. The humidifiers fit inside the double bass through the hole at the bottom of the F hole. This humidifier will not fit every double bass. The opening must be 1 ¼” or larger, so it isn’t suitable for half-size or smaller double basses but fits most three-quarter size double basses.

    The suspension system is completely new. An elastic cord slips over the neck of the humidifier and is held in place by both tension and the humidifier cap. The cord is knotted at the end and extends through two pieces of felt (user-installed). One piece of felt is round and fits in the F hole. The other is rectangular and fits outside the double bass keeping the humidifier from falling into the instrument. A 10 cc syringe is included with the new suspension system with each OH-21 Double Bass Humidifier.
    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

    Purchase the original Oasis® OH-21 ¾ Size Double Bass Humidifier today.

    $21.95Add to cart

  • Oasis® OH-26 Mandolin Humidifier


    The OH-26 Mandolin Humidifier is a modified version of our OH-6 Case Humidifier. It is shorter than the OH-6, so it can stand upright in a lower depth mandolin case. It comes with a shorter clip than the OH-6 to fit the reduced depth of the mandolin case. The clip also has a wider top so it can span the side of a thicker plush case. The humidity output is reduced from that of the OH-6 because the area to be humidified is smaller. The OH-26 holds about 1/3rd less water than the OH-6 and only takes two syringes to fill it the first time. The OH-26 will only fit cases where there is an open area for the humidifier to fit (F style). It will not fit a case where the body of the mandolin is completely form fitted to the case on all sides (A style). A stainless steel strip with two sided tape and a 10 cc syringe are also included with the OH-26 Mandolin Humidifer.
    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

  • Oasis® OH-3 Humidifier Combination Pack


    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

    Order both the original Oasis® OH-1 Guitar Humidifier and the Oasis® OH-2C Digital Hygrometer/Thermometer for one low price of $53.95, including shipping.

    OH-2C Instructions

  • Oasis® OH-3C Case Combination Pack


    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

    Order both the Oasis® OH-6 Case Humidifier and the Oasis® OH-2 Digital Hygrometer/Thermometer for one low price of $53.95, including shipping.

  • Oasis® OH-3P Plus Combination Pack


    Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.

    Order both the Oasis® OH-5 Guitar Humidifier and the Oasis® OH-2 Digital Hygrometer/Thermometer for one low price of $53.95, including shipping.